Friday, 4 March 2011

imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists

Ah, Frightening Force... one of my worst ever drawing efforts, yet paradoxically one of my favorites to read. Why Al Ewing is not making more coin I will never fathom.

Behind schedule on the GN so it looks like a working weekend for me, meaning stocking up on cheap energy drinks (four for a pound from Poundland means they are literally cheaper than water) and half-watching/half-listening to films accrued on my pc hard drive while manfully trying to pretend it is actually work given I both like doing it and no-one pays me anything - the latter unlikely to change anytime soon and the former a tenuous proposition.

To work I go...


  1. "imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists".

    Is this mandatory?

    Because I really do wish you well with your work and I enjoy your posts, I do, but, well, do I have to, about the, er, fire breathing fists and the imagining?

  2. Frightening Force was one of my favourites too, and one of the stories with the better art jobs. So thanks for that! Very much appreciated.

    A while ago I made a unilateral decision to put it up online:

    Al Ewing

  3. Colin: Imagining is a prerequisite to understanding, and understanding leads to winning. Bi-polar or bi-winning - the decision is yours.

    Al: Cheers! Good to know it's okay to put it out there.

  4. Also @Colin - my nonsense makes more sense if you're aware of Charlie Sheen's current project. A mental breakdown.
