No boozing tonight, sadly.
Just fiddling about with greytones to see what works in between bouts of Uncharted 2 and catching up with my manga reading. The draughtsmanship in Nausicaa is quite impressive, as is the scale of the story. A lot of fun.
Yotsuba&! has been praised elsewhere so I shan't bother adding to that - instead I'll offer that this is the kind of manga that could benefit with more investment in the reprint quality and cultural appropriation of the western text, as it's certainly an accessible work if you're already deeply into manga, but if you're coming to it cold, the flipped pages throw you out of the story in the disparity between the flow of text and art. Which is a pity, as this just the kind of book that could encourage a new or younger audience of the joys of reading and storytelling, but here that's lost in favor of chasing a cheap buck and pandering to a notably elitist and obsessive body of fans several years beyond the age group that would most benefit from a good translation.
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