Friday 29 October 2010

I don't want any god. Damn. Tea.

You are killing me here, Vista.
Still, I did at least manage to start it eventually and draw a single panel of the 1970s UK kids' comic adaptation of that bit in Curse of the Werewolf where Olly Reed basically tries to escape the house to get booze.

There would have been more ideally, but here we are.
This week's Sons Of Anarchy was epic, as the hairy homoerotic road hogs travel to Belfast from the airport by some bizarre coastal trajectory that lets them swing past Ballymena where they pick up Malcolm from Star Trek: Enterprise and meet some members of the PSNI, who for the episode are played by the Nazis from any WW2 movie where Nazis set up a road block and demand to see someone's papers. Then they have an open air orgy on the streets of Belfast. Mental stuff.

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