Watching: Sons of Anarchy (manly), Glee (increasingly tiresome), NCIS: Los Angeles (shit), Good Wife (hormonal), life Unexpected (blah), Outsourced (reassuringly ethnic), Family Guy (there must be something wrong the tv)
Reading: I am shortly beginning my quest to read the most creatively worthless comic books I can find (a sister quest to my ambition to watch the 100 worst films of all time prompted by comments I made on Colsmi's excellent blog when he suggested that no comic is totally without worth or merit and I countered with a recommendation for Marville and Batman: City of Crime) and I am reassured to find that the graphic novel 'Highlander: Way of the Sword' is for some reason in my home so I'm likely off to a good start in my stockpile of crapola. I have a good bad feeling about this one, written as it is by JT Krul, who wrote Rise Of Arsenal, the only comic I've seen in my life that wrote the demise of an infant with the same attention to the details of her violent death as is usually reserved for fan fiction encounters between male characters from extant canon and thus RoA can literally be described as a child snuff porn comic book, and is one of a small number of such articles that make me wonder about the mental well-being of those responsible for its creation. Highlander: Way of the Sword has a particularly ebullient quote from a review on its back cover: "(the art) has everything: pencils, inks, full colors. Every Thing." - insanely high praise, I'm sure we can all agree! "How can I not want to read this now?" is the sarcastic comment I should sign off with, but seriously: why is this in my home?
As a footnote to my quest to watch the 100 worst films of all time, I must say that these lists are a bit top-heavy with recent movies or movies that I can say I enjoyed on some level. Batman and Robin, for instance, is easily the best of the Burton-produced flicks for its sheer outrageous energy, pantomime performances and dedication to spectacle over logic, while Battlefield Earth is a deeply watchable car crash. The Postman is often derided for some reason, but I can't say that I particularly hated it much, though it has been many years since I saw it. I have some memory of it being a bit 'grey' visually, but that's about it.
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