Monday 13 September 2010

I'm going to rearrange your face with hard science. And this wooden plank.

Back on the small press hustle and drawing things that aren't awesome or glamorous. Probably tighten me.


  1. That looks cool, Brian - don't be so hard on yerself.

    In browsing your blog, I've noticed what I think is a photoshop template - do you sketch and bring the pencils into photoshop or draw completely digitally with a wacomb (or whatever it's called). I'm always interested in how artists work...mostly because I don't understand half of this newfangled technology...

  2. I used to fully pencil A3 pages then scan them into the pc, but my current method (possibly prompted by the price of A3 paper and pens) is that I start with a scan of a penciled thumbnail and move bits around in photoshop and redraw what doesn't work until I have what looks like a functioning page layout - and by 'functioning' I mean being able to tell exactly what is going on from one panel to the next as clear storytelling is far more important to me than the quality of the actual drawing. Then I just draw with the wacom on a seperate layer, copy the layer, redraw it, clean it up - it gets messy pretty quick, but I end up with a pencil layer (or three) sooner or later and then ink over that on another layer.
    I have a naturally cartoony style of drawing so thumbnails tend to fall apart a wee bit upon application of actual human anatomy or working perspective to the template, but by and large it ends with a functioning page even if the art isn't what it could be.

    There's probably a post on my working method somewhere in the archive. I remember making a post or two once I tried to switch to Manga Studio from Photoshop (which I really only use because it's the only art app I understand).
