Saturday 25 October 2014

Man, there is so much drama at this vagina clinic

A while back, I mentioned here on the blog that one of my must-read comics -The Woods - while entertaining, was not terribly original, and in a karmic donkey-punch for saying that, I get to watch the writer put out a comic with a premise that hasn't been done quite as much.

Babble was, of course, a story primarily set in a New York university campus about a sound that propagates a memetic virus that turns people into violent zombies and brings about the apocalypse, but Memetic is a story primarily set in a New York university campus about a picture that propagates a memetic virus that turns people into violent zombies and brings about the apocalypse, so they're completely different things.  I mean, yes, there are similar characters and some identical panels and scenes, but we're chalking it up to being exposed to the same inspirations - however, I might feel a lot differently if the second issue sees a cop being punched in the balls by a Geordie listening to The Smiths, and/or the artist forgets how perspective works for roughly 70 percent of the backgrounds he draws.
I kid, of course, as me and my writing mule Lee Robson totally ripped the whole premise off ourselves from a Monty Python sketch, with the linguistic McGuffin getting its technobabble origins in Sumerian mythology derived from intensive research that amounted to watching Ghostbusters 17 times to see what Gozer's deal was and also to see if those zombie hands that come out of the chair really were grabbing Sigorney Weaver's boob, but Lee likes to pretend that the original inspiration was Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, and I usually just go along with that even though it's totally lies.

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